LOVE The feel of the paper napkin at bar Treze

Paper napkin delight

Bar Treze

Bar Treze is a “bobo” bar in Barcelona. The decoration is focused on raw materials. A delightful experience is the paper napkins. Visually both the napkins and the paper bag holding them are in a light wood color reminding of the original material of paper. They are chromatically tone on tone. The touch of the paper is unusual as it feels like velvet wood and paper at the same time. Finally the experience is totally relevant , even emblematic of the environment friendly and raw materials approach of the place!

LOVE Repetto used product shop window

Against the wind shop window emotion

Repetto used shoes history shop window

Repetto is a dance apparel company which has an established brand territory in the efforts and emotions tied to classical ballet   And specifically the Paris Opera. Shop windows usually show you the best product lines or the ones you believe to be most attractive or eye catching. Repetto who develops a strong emotional relationship with its consumers decided to show used product, sometimes even run down and slightly dirty dance  shoes. High emotions guaranteed as each show has its own history teased through te name of the wearer. Each show becomes a movie! I saw a woman crying in front of that window!

LOVE Yaourt Monoprix, quand le branding fait vraiment la différence

Le branding Monoprix est non seulement différentiant, mais surtout utile, et enchantant. Il permet une efficace et séduisante hiérarchie dans la mise en avant des informations clés du produit qu’elles soient alimentaires ou éthiques (ex café Monoprix et les deux segmentations une plus axée sur le recyclage et l’autre sur le commerce équitable). Ce branding même appliqué sur un packaging et design banal et basique, transforme la marque blanche en plus séduisante que les marques elles mêmes…Bref ce branding qui réifie tout design, transforme un produit basique et banal en expérience positive, réenchantant le quotidien. No wonder que ce soit la marque préférée la plus citée spontanement par mes étudiants. 

yaourt monoprix

HATE Quand le diable est un insecte


Plus on est dans l’enchantement consommateur plus il faut l’être dans une unité systémique et créative et gare aux détails. Les ingrédients, le sourcing sont souvent moins bichonnés et cohérents que d’autres points de contacts. Un exemple emblématique chez Starbucks qui voulant éviter les colorants chimiques s’est rabattu sur un colorant “naturel” de la cochenille écrasée qui permet d’obtenir un rouge des plus appétissants. Solution qui semble bien pensée mais qui a révolté les vegans (sous catégorie de bobos nés en Californie mais assez répandus aux states qui ont criés au ciel avec les moyens d’influence et de nuisance des réseaux sociaux. Bref le diable se cache dans les détails!

LOVE The skateboard purchase reward

Two weeks ago, I bought a skateboard on the Globe website. Some might say I am too old for this, but well, I have an 8 year old son, and I wanted to show him that his father could still be cool. I am not really proud of this but I am just a human being after all. So, last week, I had my beautiful skateboard delivered. And you know how it is. Even if you perfectly know that you have paid for it, when the postman knocks on your door and gives you the precious parcel, it feels like you are receiving a gift. I was happy. So, when this week, I received an envelope from Globe, containing a nice letter thanking me for my purchase plus a dvd of some young men doing incredible things with their skateboards in an empty swimming-pool, I was impressed. Not only it is a very nice sensation to receive a gift (a real one this time) after your first purchase, but when this present is a top quality product – beautifully produced film in this case -, that’s what I call enchanting systemic creanovation.

LOVE Cafe San Marco: design macchiatto

mousee cafe San Marco(Barcelona) April 2013
Product or service: café (cortado)
Experience: magic
note: loved it and discovered it takes actually quite a lot of training to achieve this and that it is transmitted from employee to employee as a fun thing, so fun for employees and customers alike!
Generates quite a lot of excitement, they have the apple and the heart shape…I hear the masters of this are in Belgium?

HATE Iphone 5 connectivity

iphone 5 plugdisenchanting connectivity & synchronization

Why its: really bad

Apple’s great attractiveness for ever has been the enchanting and instinctive ergonomics and great design, but also (and it does not come cheap), the great interconnectivity between apple machines and softwares. With the I-phone 5 not only did I have to throw away my costly wires including of I phone 4, and buy new scandalously overpriced connection wires, but when I wanted to synchronize it with my Macbook computer, it obliged me to upgrade my IOS series operational system!!!!!! To me this is destroying years of hard to build trust and consumer loyalty; it calls for give me a Samsung now, very unfortunate!